Udderly EZ™ Mare Milker

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Udderly EZ™ Mare Milker Pump Kit - a hand-held trigger-operated vacuum pump used for the extraction of colostrum, the milking out of mares and other species that have mastitis, or for milking mares whose foals have inherited a different blood type than that of the mare and are at risk for NI (neonatal isoerythrolysis). Just a few pulls on the trigger, creates a vacuum in the bottle and the colostrum or milk flow starts—filling the bottle. The extraction cylinders have been designed to fit the unique shape of the mare’s and other species udders. There are two sizes and they have a rolled smooth surface to prevent harm to the soft tissue of the udder. Each kit is packed complete for each species.

Mare Milker Kit includes:
• The Udderly EZ pump
• 2 - #2 extraction cylinders
• 2 Silicone inflation inserts (medium and large)
• Bottle nipple
• Udder wipes
• 1 pint and 2-8oz milk/colostrum collection bottles with caps
• Operation Manual and DVD
• Microfiber Dairy Towel


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