Standlee Forage

Grown For The Life We Love

The Standlee family has been cultivating, distributing and
marketing the highest quality western forages since 1981.

Product Offers at KBC:

Forage: Grab N Go bale, Cubes, Pellets

Varieties: Alfalfa, Blended Forage, Teff Grass, Orchard Grass, Timothy Grass,
Mixed Forages and  grain-free Treats (including Horse Pill Carriers).

Standlee Feed Trial Offer

Partnered with Standlee Premium Western Forage for a opporutunity for horse owners to go through a 30 day trial feeding. By signing up on their site: View offer here.

You will be emailed a coupon to purchase buy 2 get 1 free of their pellet or cube forages. Offer available while coupons last from March 1st to April 30th. Redeem printed coupon in our Retail store or by placing over the phone.

All Standlee Forage