Stable Fresh™ an all natural USDA-approved concentrate that eliminates stall odors for just pennies per day, per stall. StableFresh is a one of a kind urine remover that biologically consumes urine and odor instead of just masking them. StableFresh is your new choice for eliminating odors from pet urine. As well as reduce the number of flies and spiders in your stable.
Through bioenzyme action, Stable Fresh consumes urine, thereby eliminating odors & speeding up the biodegrading process. In addition, it drastically reduces the fly population by eliminating the area in which flies breed and will also reduce the chances of thrush and other hoof related ailments by removing the urea from under foot. Clean, Safe, Effective.
• No More ODOR
• Consumes urine through bioenzyme action
• Contains a blend of bacteria designed to speed the biodegrading process while eliminating odor
• All Natural
• Veterinarian Approved
• Envorinmentally correct
• 100% Non-Toxic
• Long lasting Results
• StableFresh can be applied to fabric, carpet, cement, rubber mats and any other porous surface
• Easy to Use Concentrate
Shake Well. Mix 1 part StableFresh concentrate to 3 parts water in a spray bottle or pump sprayer. After removing soiled bedding, apply StableFresh solution liberally to the wet areas. Repeat daily for one week. Applications may then be reduced to as low as once a week depending on the odor and quantity of urine produced by the animal.
StableFresh may also be applied to manure piles accelerating the breakdown and decreasing the fly population. StableFresh eliminates the need to use lime in the stall area. StableFresh reduces the time and money spent on the use of lime, as well as eliminating the caustic effect of lime to the animals skin and breathing passages.