Quality Sourced
Built for comfort. Built for convenience. Built to last. SOLO's ergonomic design contours to your back for greater comfort. With a proven piston pump, you will be reliably equipped for applying spray liquid or insecticides in your garden. A low number of wearing parts and sturdy technology ensure a long service life and minimum maintenance.
The SOLO® 425, with a connecting rod-actuated piston pump, can produce a wide pressure range of up to 90 psi and is capable of performing virtually every spraying task. Easily and effectively handles liquid disinfectants, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and formulations for tree, shrub and plant protection.
Quality Sourced
Quality Sourced
Miller Manufacturing
Cox Veterinary Labs
J.M. Saddler
Betadine/ Perdue Pharma LP
Enviro Equine™
Quality Sourced