Dormosedan® (detomidine hydrochloride) is an a2 adrenoceptor agonist that provides non-narcotic sedation and analgesia that can be used safely in horses for a variety of minor surgical and diagnostic procedures.
Predictable Sedation
• Selectivity makes DORMOSEDAN predictable and effective • Only a-2 agonist which has significant analgesia extending more than 15 minutes post administration
• Dormosedan® provides non-narcotic sedation with a wide margin of safety
Dosing & Administration
• Greater selectivity and dosing flexibility
• Dormosedan® allows dosing flexibility so you can accurately regulate the depth and length of sedation and analgesia
•Simple dosing: 1 or 2 mL per 1,100 lbs horse IM or IV
• Whether administered IV or IM, Dormosedan® produces rapid onset of effect (5 minutes for IV, 10 to 15 minutes for IM)
• Xylazine can bind with a1 and non-a2 receptor sites, producing variable neurological effects4
• Dormosedan®'s potency is 80 to 100 times greater than xylazine in sedation and analgesic effect5
• Effects may be maintained up to 2 hours depending on dose level and route of administration, with analgesia being more pronounced following IV injection
• Additional dosing prolongs not depends sedation
• Zoetis does not recommend the use at higher than the approved label dosed
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