BleederShield® Powder Respiratory Formula with Platelet Activator™ Complex. an all-natural, safe and effective formula to control bedding in racehorses and competition horses.
Bleeding due to EIPH (Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage) is one of the most costly and debilitating health issues directly related to horse racing. Even though bleeding is most often considered a problem for racehorses, EIPH also affects a number of other equine athletes. In fact, barrel racing horses and eventing horses commonly suffer from bleeding during competition and workouts.
BleederShield® Powder is a triple strength formula to control bleeding from Exercise Induced-Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH) in race horses and other equine athletes. The active ingredients in BleederShield have been scientifically-shown to help stop excessive bleeding in animals. BleederShield ingredients help normalize blood flow and repair damaged blood vessels to stop hemorrhage.
BleederShield® is compatible with Lasix/Salix.
Active Ingredients: Platelet Activator™ Proprietary Blend, Yunnan Baiyao, Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar....75%.
o Maximum strength formula to control bleeding in horses
o Active ingredients in Platelet Activator™ Blend shown to reduce bleeding in horses
o Normalizes blood flow and repair of damaged blood vessels
o Optimizes platelet function
o Helps Promote healing of EIPH-damaged lungs
Formerly called Bleederguard. From the makers of EPO Equine annd Unlock.