B Gone White Line Treatment easy-to-use and effective because its applied directly to the infected hoof area using a convenient 60 cc syringe/ tube. Contains patent-pending proprietary ingredients to stop white line disease.
Enough product per 60 cc syringe for multiple treatments.
Enough product per 60 cc syringe for multiple treatments.
Also treats other common issues:
- • Seedy Toe
• Toe Cracks
• Brittle Hoof Wall
• Stall Rot
• Hollow Foot
• Wall Thrush
- 1. Clean the bottom of the hoof of dirt and debris.
2. Remove the shoe, if needed, to get directlyl at the affected area of the white line.
3. Using a nail, debride the affected area.
4. Apply a thin line of B Gone White Line Treatment around the white line using the convenient syringe. Put it right on the area where it's needed. Treating healthy areas of the white line will not harm it.
5. Reapply once a week for barefoot horses or each shoeing cycle for shod horses until hoof wall has complely grown out.
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